The Clunkster

cruelty free brow gel

Glossier's Boy Brow

Beauty, Beauty Review, Cruelty-FreeKristenComment

Let’s have a chat about an ever-evolving beauty trend: eyebrows. We all have them. But no one really knows what the fuck we’re doing with them, do we? Have you seen the trend where people shave off the tails of their eyebrows? Like, why? One of my favorite influencers recently shaved her eyebrows off completely and I had to unfollow her because it looked so horrible. Absolutely heartbreaking. Abby Roberts bleached her eyebrows and had to dye them back because her comments sections were ripping her a new one. PSA: please just leave them alone. Eyebrows are important to your face, and your face is important to me.

When I was younger, thin brows were in. I started getting my unibrow waxed when I was in the sixth grade. It was around when waxing first started getting popular, as well as threading. Waxing salons and threading booths started popping up everywhere. 

Eventually, we started loving the bold, bushy brow look. A little tame, but kind of not. Confusing, right? We let them grow out (to a degree) and started filling them in with ABH Dipbrow, etc. I was never one to do anything to my eyebrows. My hair is pretty dark, and my eyebrows are too. The one time I tried filling them in, I looked like a clown. 

Nowadays, I go to the salon when my brows look like a crime scene, but for the most part, I tame them myself with some tweezers and a motorized hair remover. Even when my brows are in tip-top shape, I realized a couple of months ago that I needed something to tame them just a bit. 

I bought a clear mascara and brow gel duo from e.l.f. just to test them both out. The mascara made my eyes insanely itchy, but the brow gel actually looked great. I loved the sleek look I could get, but sometimes I’d mess around and give myself a feathery look too. The possibilities were endless, and I was on board. But the gel was a little too sticky. Throughout my day, I’d be picking clear flakes out of my hair. It was not the vibe. 

So, I decided to invest in a legit brow gel. I read an article on Man Repeller about the best ones out there, and unsurprisingly, Glossier’s Boy Brow topped the list. I had heard of Boy Brow before (who hasn’t?) but I didn’t realize it came in a clear formula until I read up on it. I ordered myself a tube, and I was very impressed. 

With Boy Brow, I feel like I have a lot more control over my eyebrows. The small spoolie is perfect for my skinnier brows, and the formula itself isn’t sticky or gooey. It’s almost like a cream. I’m no longer pulling crap out of my eyebrows, but they still look great. I’ve started combing through my brows a bit even when I’m not wearing makeup. It’s a great way to pull my face together when I don’t really feel like it. 

So basically I just came here to say that Boy Brow is definitely worth the hype. If you’ve been waiting to give it a try, I highly suggest doing so.