The Clunkster


snake charmer

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

top (similar). skirt (similar). stockings. heels (similar). purse. lipstick (in sanctuary).

What’s up cutie patooties? Tired of quarantine yet? I miss seeing my friends more than anything. Whether it’s hitting up some bars, going to house parties, or just getting brunch, I miss seeing their smiling faces and giving them lots of hugs. 

Here’s an outfit I love to wear to social gatherings. As soon as I bought this snakeskin top and leather skirt at H&M, I knew they’d be a dream team. They just look so badass together!

Of course, I always have to wear my KVD Vegan Beauty Everlasting Liquid Lipstick with this look (by the way, if you’re following along on my Instagram, I ended up buying three more tubes), but I like to switch up my shoes. I wore my thigh-high boots to my birthday party, which looked adorable, but I had to keep pulling them up the entire night, which was annoying. I wore my black Timberlands to the New Year’s Eve party my family threw, honestly because I wasn’t trying to get drunk and fall down in front of all my parents’ friends. Priorities! Of course, my black heels are a ride or die and probably look the best out of all of them. 

I’m so excited to take this look out for a spin when we’re allowed out of our houses. What are you most looking forward to when quarantine is over?

orange you glad i bought this sweater?

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

sweater (no longer being sold by h&m). leggings. sunglasses. purse. sneakers.

Hello, my quarantined angels! How’s everyone holding up? I’m going slightly stir-crazy, but honestly dealing with all of this much better than I thought I would be. Today I’ve been doing tons of cleaning, so my space feels a lot happier and healthier. 

Here’s a look I basically lived in throughout the fall and winter. I really loved this sweater when I first tried it on at H&M, but I was a little hesitant to buy it because the color isn’t anything like what I usually wear. But my mom told me that it looked really nice on me (thanks, Mom!), so I decided to buy it, and I’m so happy I did. It turned out to be one of my favorites! It’s nice and soft, but not as warm as I expected it to be. Since it’s loosely knitted, the wind tends to blow through it. But you know what? I forgive her. We can’t do it all. 

I almost always wear this sweater with my leggings, but switch up the shoes. Sometimes I wear boots, others my moccasins, but most of the time I wear my Converse. I’m always between black and white. Which do you like better?

how to be the clunkster

Outfit of the Day, StyleKristenComment

Start with something tight, like a bodysuit. Tanks are preferred, but sleeves are fine too! We don’t discriminate here. Next, pick some tight pants, preferably leggings, and make sure they’re super high-waisted. Like, up to your boobs high-waisted. You should look like you’re in a catsuit with no wiggle room.

Then, pick some comically large outerwear. Bonus points if it’s a hand-me-down from your dad. Throw that over your all-black ensemble to make it pop. Next, pick some boots. My favorites are Timberlands, but whatever makes you happy! To top it all off, throw on some sunglasses that you’ll probably break in the next month, and pile on the mascara

There, you have it, you’re me! You did it! Have fun surviving on CapriSuns and Chipotle for the next month!



A couple months back, my friend and I went to one of the coolest bars in New York, if not the world: Duff’s of Brooklyn! For non-heavy metal fans, this place is essentially a shrine to the bands I grew up listening to. Records and posters cover the walls, ceiling, and even the floor. Seriously, there’s no space that isn’t covered by some form of metal memorabilia. Even the bathrooms are cool! My personal favorites were the zombie sitting amongst the crowd, and the “Devil’s Ukulele,” signed by some of the greatest men in heavy metal. I was full of Corona and awe. 

shirt (similar). leggings. sneakers. sunglasses. lipgloss (in sanctuary).

So what do you wear to a metal bar? I chose my Judas Priest tour shirt (and prayed that the friend I was meeting wouldn’t wear the same one), my trusty leggings, and a pair of heels (but my white Converse looked cute too). I wore my darker lipstick to fit ~the vibe~, and my blue light glasses once I realized how many neon signs there were. 

If you’re a metal fan, I highly recommend checking Duff’s out. And if you’re not, go anyway! Just don’t get scared of the zombie I made out with. 

Sincerely Silver's Coordinates Bracelets

Sponsored, StyleKristenComment

Fun fact! We have a week until Christmas. Yes, I’m just as surprised as you are. Yes, I am also scrambling to get last-minute gifts because even though I’ve been alive for twenty-two Christmases and should know better by now, I haven’t bought anything. But it’s not because I’m lazy! 

I’m quite the perfectionist, and I take great pride in getting the best gifts for my family and friends. This results in paralyzing fear that my gifts won’t be cool or unique enough for the people I love. Isn’t that silly? But I’ll never learn. 

I’m the type of person who likes to get meaningful gifts that are special to me and that person’s relationship. I mean, who doesn’t? I just take it a little overboard. I love homemade gifts that I can put my entire soul into (or at least most of my soul since I’m usually in a rush).

So, if you’re like me, you’re probably freaking out a bit right now. But never fear! I have an amazingly special gift idea for you that won’t drive you absolutely insane. Enter, Sincerely Silver’s Coordinates Jewelry

Every relationship has a special place, be it where you and your significant other met, where you and your best friend took a special trip, or just somewhere you and your siblings like to escape to. When Sincerely Silver asked what I wanted on the coordinates bracelet they were nice enough to send me, I asked for the place my dad and I like to venture to every Sunday to clear our heads. Every time I wear my bracelet, I’m reminded of the smell of motorcycle gas and the heart-to-hearts my dad and I share while staring at the most beautiful waterfront views.  

Sincerely Silver has so many different styles of bracelets, necklaces, and rings to choose from. They even have a necklace shaped like the state of California. You’re bound to find the perfect gift for that last person on your list, and you don’t even have to buy a machine and learn how to engrave jewelry the night before Christmas. Not that I’ve ever considered that in a pinch… 

And regardless of the memory attached to the piece, Sincerely Silver’s jewelry is absolutely stunning. My coordinates bracelet fits right in with my little stack of silver bracelets, and always puts a smile on my face. 

Plus, as a Christmas present from me, you can use the code SINCERELY15 for 15% off your order!

Let me know which coordinates you’re getting in the comments!