The Clunkster

sorority sunday: bid day!


shirt (i don't know, i'm sorry!). leggings. sneakers

Happy Sunday! This was the outfit I wore to my sorority's Bid Day about a month ago! Bid Day is great because it's the beginning of New Member Education, which is my job :') I love getting to know all my new sisters and taking lots of adorable pictures and Boomerangs.

Only a few of us have this shirt because we got it when we founded the sorority. I feel so vintage when I wear it! Normally I don't wear pastels like light blue and pale pink, but I love this shirt anyway. It's so comfy, and looks great with leggings and white Converse. 

I used to wear my hair half-up-half-down a lot last year, and I haven't in a while for some reason. I put it up like this because my hair was super dirty and I didn't have time to shower. This is one perfect dirty hair look, and it suits my personality really well! I should wear my hair like this more. 

My makeup was pretty simple, just some foundation with light eyeshadow and mascara. Less makeup looks better with a bright shirt like this! Stay tuned for more sorority looks coming your way!